Full Face $1000 (Package of 3 $2400)

Full Face w/Neck $1300 (Pkg of 3 $3000)

Lower Face w/Neck $1000 (Pkg of 3 $2400)

Chest $1000 (Pkg of 3 $2400)

Abdomen, Buttocks or Thighs $1300 (Pkg of 3 $3000)

2 Hours


Face, Neck, Chest, Arms, Thighs, Buttocks and Abdomen

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a tightening, skin-smoothing, rejuvenating procedure that can be used anywhere on the body. Its results are instantly visible as it combines microneedling and radiofrequency waves to increase and stimulate collagen production all the while being a minimally invasive procedure. While Morpheus has been historically used on the face and neck as the non-surgical mini facelift, it is becoming an increasingly popular treatment for various areas of the body such as: arms, legs, buttocks and abs as a skin tightening treatment. Morpheus8 is able to penetrate deeper layers of the skin (8mm), resulting in the ability of the skin to reorganize itself and reverse the clock.

How does the procedure work?

Morpheus 8 is a 20-30 minute procedure that involves microneedling and radiofrequency waves (24 needles for the face at a 1-4 mm depth and 40 needles for the body for up to 8 mm deep). Being equipped with the Burst technology, patients receive simultaneous energy delivered at multiple depths in one pulse (ex 7 mm, 4 mm, 2 mm). Patients sit with numbing cream on for about 45 minutes to make the procedure more comfortable. To make the procedure as comfortable as possible, Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) is also available for patients, should they choose to use it. Patients walk out with results immediately upon termination of this non-surgical facelift. We usually recommend three sessions at one-month intervals for maximum results.

Is there any downtime?

Patients are free to walk out immediately post procedure. While some redness and swelling can last for 24-48 hours, it is uncommon to last beyond this period. Patients can use makeup the following day, and it is recommended to protect the sun with SPF (as always!).

What do I have to look forward to?

Radiant, luminous, rejuvenated skin anywhere on the body!